newborn baby in fox outfit with fox bonnet newborn photography

Fall Setup for this young boy!

When mom and dad came to me wanting a newborn session for their baby boy I said let's do this! Mom wanted a mix of blues and fall vibes. We picked a favorite in the studio, my fox bonnet. I do have a matching onesie complete with a foxy tail, but the baby boy was wide away so I thought it was best to wrap him up first. We held his session at a time that I normally don't schedule with good reason. Normally babies have their days and nights mixed up. Babies tend to sleep the majority of the day and have their wake period towards the night (unfortunately for us mamas). Mom and Dad's schedules didn't allow for my usual 9 AM-3 PM schedule range, so we opted for 5 PM. Baby M did NOT I repeat not want to sleep for more than 10 minutes at a time hahaha. But we prevailed and were able to get some sleepy shots for Mom and Dad.

baby brown bear newborn photography
fall newborn setup baby boy newborn photography